Order status
Once your order has been placed, you will receive an order confirmation email within 24hours to the email you provided. A shipment and tracking email will be sent within 3-5 business days. If you have not received an order confirmation email within 24hours of placing your order please contact us @
If you have not received a shipping and tracking email within 5 business days from receiving your order confirmation email, please contact us @
Thank you for your support, patience and understanding. We look forward to assisting you as soon as possible.
Shipping & delivery inquiry
Thanks for reaching out to us. Please note that with standard shipping to the United States, it may generally take 5-15 business days for your order to be delivered.
Tracking inquiries
If you have any questions regarding tracking your package, please email us at with your Order# full name and tracking #
We will do our best to assist you in any way we can. Please note that it is common for tracking to stall at any point while on route to you. Please be patient, as we’re confident your order is still in transit to you. Due to the existing delays surrounding Covid disruptions and the impact it has caused on our daily life, nothing is guaranteed. Please rest assured that we are dedicated to taking the necessary steps for you to receive your tools for self discovery and productivity. Please be patient, MUSH Inc, got you!
Custom & Duty charges
International customers (outside of Canada) may be charged customs and duties by your local customs authority. These are not charged by M.U.S.H. Inc, and you are responsible to pay these fees if required. Thank you for your understanding and dedication to self discovery and healing.
Returns & Exchange Policy
We are committed to do our best to catch any changes to your order as soon as possible, however, once your order has been delivered, we are no longer able to process an exchange or refund. We may offer a credit depending on the circumstance. If you have not yet received your tracking information and would like to cancel or make any changes to your order, please email us @ with your full name and order number. We will do our best to resolve any changes as smoothly as possible. We look forward to assisting you in any way we can.