Employee Burnout Prevention

MUSH Inc.’s Employee Burnout Prevention initiative was created to provide effective tools to prevent workplace burnout and support employee mental wellness.  Our reflective and productivity tools are known to positively improve daily living and boost productivity.  These positive factors can ease and decrease costly workplace mental health claims currently on the rise.

Employee Burnout Initiative

Workplace Wellness

Workplace mental health concerns and claims are rising each day. Workplace demands and obligations can result in unwanted stress and pressure. Let’s face it, employees under stress or on the verge of burnout can be a strain on the business and colleagues. In efforts to fill this gap MUSH Inc. created the “Take 5” Employee Burnout Prevention toolkit.  This tool helps the workplace recognize and address burnout and mental health concerns through our 5-step guided practice. Workplaces that value their employees job satisfaction and encourage work-life balance tend to experience fewer stress related issues and claims. If you’re ready to show your employees you value their mental wellness, contact us to discuss customizable options and all potential opportunities.